
Is Virtual Physiotherapy good for shoulder and elbow problems and how do I make the best of it?


Does virtual physiotherapy work for shoulder and elbow problems? With face-to-face appointments limited under the current pandemic lockdown, many physiotherapists have had to deliver care by virtual physiotherapy. For most shoulder and elbow conditions physiotherapy is an essential first line of treatment and needs to be exercise based although other modalities such as massage, [...]

Is Virtual Physiotherapy good for shoulder and elbow problems and how do I make the best of it?2022-07-23T12:58:18+01:00

What is a Lipoma and when should you be worried about a lump?


What is a lipoma? Lipomas are the most common soft tissue tumours in adults. They are common in the upper limb and tend to occur more proximally around the shoulder region, but they can occur anywhere along the upper limb. They are benign fatty tumours and are not cancerous. Fat cells within the lipoma [...]

What is a Lipoma and when should you be worried about a lump?2022-07-23T12:59:08+01:00

What is calcific tendonitis?


What is calcific tendonitis? Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder is also referred to as calcific tendinitis or calcific tendinopathy is a common condition that can affect the rotator cuff tendons of the shoulder. The exact cause of the condition is not fully understood but we know it is more common in females, tends to [...]

What is calcific tendonitis?2022-07-23T12:59:30+01:00

Pain in your shoulder and neck? 5 signs that the neck could be the problem.


Most patients who come to my clinic attend because of pain in their shoulder or arm. Sadly, shoulder pain isn’t limited to the shoulder and it is quite common for shoulder conditions to cause pain to radiate up to the neck or down the arm toward the elbow. Some patients have both shoulder and [...]

Pain in your shoulder and neck? 5 signs that the neck could be the problem.2022-07-27T10:51:28+01:00

Top 5 causes of shoulder pain if you’re over 30!


Subacromial Shoulder Pain It is a common condition that causes pain around the shoulder. Subacromial shoulder pain is sometimes referred to as shoulder impingement, subacromial bursitis, or supraspinatus tendinopathy. Pain can radiate down to the elbow or up across the top of the shoulder blade to the neck. Patients often experience pain on lifting [...]

Top 5 causes of shoulder pain if you’re over 30!2022-07-27T10:52:08+01:00

What is Atraumatic Shoulder Instability? – Guest Blog


Thanks to Bradley Scanes, British Gymnastics, W5 Physio, and Chelmsford Physio, Physiotherapist for being our first guest blogger and covering this difficult topic! Atraumatic Shoulder Instability Firstly, thanks to Nick for inviting me to write for his blog. Loving the information and content he is putting out there and glad our love for Instagram [...]

What is Atraumatic Shoulder Instability? – Guest Blog2022-07-27T10:52:57+01:00

If your New Year’s resolution is to get fit, be #ShoulderSafe!


One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is getting healthy. Whether it be a diet after the excesses of Christmas or using winter time to get the body summer-fit, many of us flock to the gyms in the new year. Some gym goers, however, manage to either sustain injuries to their shoulder or [...]

If your New Year’s resolution is to get fit, be #ShoulderSafe!2022-07-23T13:11:34+01:00

Pec Major Tendon Ruptures: How not to miss them.


What is a pec major tendon rupture? Although uncommon a pec major tendon rupture can be a significant injury that is often missed. These injuries often occur in men and those who weight-lift in particular. Pectoralis (Pec) Major is the large muscle that gives the chest its characteristic shape in men. In women it [...]

Pec Major Tendon Ruptures: How not to miss them.2022-07-27T21:43:22+01:00

Shoulder Steroid Injections Explained


What is a shoulder steroid injection? For most shoulder & elbow surgeons a “ shoulder steroid injection” means a combined single injection of steroid and local anaesthetic. There are two commonly used steroids for musculoskeletal injections in the UK; methylprednisolone (Depo-medrol) and triamcinolone (Kenalog). I prefer to use triamcinolone in my injections as it [...]

Shoulder Steroid Injections Explained2022-07-25T22:16:49+01:00

How to sleep with shoulder pain!


Most patients who come to see me in clinic with shoulder problems complain about pain and disturbed sleep. Common complaints include difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position and waking up several times as they roll on to the affected side. What are the effects of poor or disturbed sleep?  Disturbed sleep may affect daytime [...]

How to sleep with shoulder pain!2022-07-27T10:55:06+01:00
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